Preschool - Child Care - Summer Camp
2 Years - 5 Years
We take great pride in cleanliness of our center. Everything is properly washed and sanitized per state and Health Dept. requirements. Our long-standing health procedures include, yet not limited to: No admittance of children with a fever of over 100.1 degrees (oral) until after child is 24 hours fever-free; no admittance of children while taking fever-reducing medicine; if your child has flu-like symptoms or is sick, keep them at home; proper hand washing is throughout the day; children are taught hygiene manners to cover their cough and wash hands again; naptime blankets and sheets are washed on-site weekly; regular bleaching of tables, surfaces, high-touch areas and toys; tile floors are mopped daily with clean mop heads using hospital-grade disinfectant; hand sanitizer is encouraged and available at our entrance for staff, parents and children; and our kitchen staff are supervised and certified in food sanitation.

Preschool 2: Toddlers ages 2 - 3 years
(Teacher To Child Ratio 1:8)
At age two our formal Preschool Program begins (see below). Potty training will also be mastered in this class.
- Regularity in routine for eating, napping and toileting
- Circle time, story time and songs
- Lots of love, attention and conversation
- Colors, counting and ABCs
- Pre-math skills (AB patterns, shapes and puzzles)
- Pre-writing skills (coloring and scribbling)
- Pre-science skills (cause and effect, classification, etc.)
- Pre-reading skills (print and phonological awareness)
- Executive function skills
- Learning through play
- Listening and following directions
- Self-help and self-discipline skills
- Communication skills
- Cognitive and problem solving skills
- Manners and kindness
- Socialization and emotional development
- Painting and creative art
- Fine motor and large muscle skills
- An appreciation for books and music
- Field trips with our own bus transportation
Jr. Pre-K and Pre-K: Children ages 3 – 5 years
(Must be potty trained - Teacher To Child Ratio 1:10)
- Proper letter formation
- Writing and drawing skills (coloring and sketching)
- Letter-of-the-week art projects
- Letter-of-the-week Show-and-Tell
- Regular rote counting
- Pre-math skills (AB patterns, shapes and puzzles)
- Pre-Common Core math skills for Pre-K (ten based, ten frames, groupings, etc.)
- Pre-science skills (cause and effect, classification, etc.)
- Pre-reading skills (print and phonological awareness)
- Letter-of-the-week art projects
- Letter recognition
- Letter sound recognition
- Show-and-tell
- Regular rote counting of up to 100
- Spanish lessons
- Optional Kinderdance lessons
- Communication skills, listening and following directions
- Self-help and self-discipline skills
- Cognitive and problem-solving skills
- Manners and kindness
- Socialization and emotional development
- Painting and creative art
- Fine motor and large muscle skills
- Field Trips with our own bus transportation

Items To Bring For Your Child
- A blanket to be kept at the center for naptime
- One soft, cuddly, washable toy for use during naptime only
- Extra set of play clothes to be kept in your child's cubby
- Extra underwear and sets of clothing for children who are toilet training
- Sunscreen (lotion type) to be kept in your child's cubby
Special Events & Field Trips
- 100 Days of Preschool
- Dr. Seuss Day
- Read Across America Day
- Spring Picture Day
- Pizza Hut field trip (Pre-K)
- Mother's Day Breakfast
- Smithton Kindergarten tour (Pre-K)
- Kinderdance Recital
- Pre-K Graduation Celebration
- Father's Day Breakfast
- Carnival Day
- Apple Picking
- Fall Festival
- Pumpkin Patch
- Trick-or-Treat through town
- Thanksgiving Feast
- Christmas Holiday Picture Day
- Class Holiday Parties
Enrollment Forms
After you've confirmed your child's spot and start date in our program; the following forms can help get you started. A complete set of paperwork will be provided with our enrollment packet. Completed forms, the application fee and a copy of your child's birth certificate are required prior to your child's first scheduled day of care.